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April Showers bring....

I love this time of year when the flowers and the trees are all blooming…remember “April showers, bring May flowers?” (it’s the earth’s way of cleansing)… feels like such a renewal of the senses....the seasons… the spirit…....the whole earth seems to come alive and regenerate… and we; just like the earth, go through a cleansing cycle and the rejuvenation of our bodies, our minds, and even our lives…in the Springtime.

My yoga classes at the YMCA (and to some extent, the Pilates as well) will keep going forward with our detox routines this month. Focusing in on our breathing techniques… learning to slow down and breath more rhythmically…breathing is also a way of detoxing…. Taking the time to breathe – to love ourselves enough to cleanse out accumulated stagnation and inflammation in the body - that we have built up over the winter months, as well as in our own minds and lives.

Taking time on the yoga mat, or in any class (really!) allows you to breathe out all that ‘negative stuff’ that we need to get rid of … and mindfully - spend some time planting new seeds – looking toward new directions in our life – and maybe new paths to follow in the spring. We want and need to detox from noise, from the business and from interacting with others all the time. Getting out in nature, exercising, walking, riding your bike, breathing, meditating, taking a yoga class, will help us in our quest to cleanse this spring.

Take a moment and see if you can sit still for 5 minutes –turn your thoughts inwards… and start making your exhalations a little slower… this in turn will automatically make your inhalations a little slower. Your head will seem a little clearer and you can focus your time and attention on what is most important for you right now.

Give yourself a big hug and go switch the clothes in your closet from heavy winter ones to lighter – springier ones. Happy Spring!

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Caldwell, ID 83605



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