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Our Last week at Lewis & Clark

It's our last week at Lewis and Clark Elementary School in Caldwell, Idaho. It's been a great 3 1/2 months with the teachers & friends. I shall miss all of the relaxed fun we've had during our time together. Spring is a busy time, (especially for me this year, as my daughter will graduate from the University of Idaho in May) well as the teachers as the year begins to wind down. I just returned from "Mom's Weekend" in Moscow with all of the other "Vandal Mom's" and it was quite delightful. We took 'graduation photos' of Amanda in preparation for organizing her 'graduation announcements', and putting together a remembrance album for her (of college days!). Along with Amanda's activities and mine at the YMCA, and several other community volunteer activities, my plate is full (as I know many of yours are as well). Let's keep breathing and exercising and staying focused on what's important. For those of you unable to make it to the Y or another facility to "workout"...check out a few new Yoga videos I have added here on my web site under "Connect".... and "You-tube videos". Especially good are the power and de-tox videos if you need to feel that cleanse as Spring continues unfolding. Have a wonderful week, and join us when you can!

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1421 Dearborn St.

Caldwell, ID 83605



Tel:  208-459-1032
Cell: 208-880-8847

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