Saturday, January 25th, 2014
The end of a really good week on many fronts. First, feeling so much better than I did last week, no back pain, and hip flexors seem stretched and my body is performing the way I want it to. We focused mainly on low backs and hip flexors in classes this week…. Always reminding my students to maintain that “natural curve” in their low backs, first – and moving slowly and carefully into poses & positions (even in my senior chair yoga classes! I had a rare opportunity to spend a couple of hours with my daughter, Amanda; who was down from the University of Idaho (Moscow) with the marching band, to perform at the 125th founding anniversary of the U of I. We made happy memories with her at dinner, as well as Nick (my oldest son, and my grandson, Luke). I believe we are truly meant to make memories is this life and I intend to continue making as many as I can with my wonderful children. I ended the week with a fabulous full body massage yesterday. Many thanks to the talented hands of Julie Kerrick Skyving for a most relaxing Friday afternoon…. All I could say was …. Aaahhhh..
Looking ahead to this coming week for some gentle flows in yoga, the bands for Pilates, as well as “Yoga with Weights” on Wednesday and using the stability ball on Friday for core work. Please check out my weekly schedule to see what each class I teach will offer.
We will also be continuing our 4:15pm class at Lewis and Clark Elementary school in Caldwell into February. If you are interested in participating with our very low key (meaning, no expectations… just a fun practice with friends) yoga class, please join us, and request more information …. I’m happy to reply to you!