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Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year 2018

In this winter season… the cold, and the wetness has settled in and we are moving from Vata season to Kapha season, according to Ayurvedic Health System. We look to balance our personal ‘doshas’ with the seasonal affects of the doshas in the Ayurvedic system. With Kapha making its appearance in the latter part of winter, this season lasts from now through spring and in many areas that means plenty of wet weather even as the summer approaches. No matter what you dosha type is, you will be influenced by Kapha’s prevailing influence at this time of year…. So in order to thrive in our environment, we counteract those affects with energetic breathing to warm the core temperature and prevent Kapha accumulation in the stomach and the lungs. We breathe deeply, opening the chest to lessen the likelihood of colds, taking twists to increase circulation in the digestive organs and other parts of the body that become slow and sluggish and cold during this season….and add a little ‘fire’ to balance the Kapha that can stagnate in the body. Find balance through regular exercise, eating foods that are warm and comforting, opening the heart and lungs and chest in yoga and other mind/body exercises, take a walk in nature and get some sunshine and fresh air to help alleviate the effects of “Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder”. We work hard at staying healthy, continue to move forward in the new year with positive energy, new intentions and a healthy and strong constitution. Namaste’

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