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February is the month of Love…..

.....and snow… and ice… and rain…. And weather that makes us want to stay indoors….. .


Looking to warm the heart as well as sending those ‘mid-winter blues’ away…..we keep moving and exercising (even when we don’t feel like it)….we get as much light exposure as possible, we turn the volume up on our music devices and we take deeper and longer inhalations as we breathe. All of us feel a little depressed in these long, cold days of winter. Take advantage of some new classes at the (Caldwell YMCA) or any fitness or gym facility that you are close to. Try something new…. Go out on a limb and take a chance with a new class. Not a “class participating sort of person”?.... Try it anyway – or look for personal trainer….or try your turn on a new piece of floor equipment. Look to change things up…. Try new poses in yoga classes (like inversions that keep the blood flowing to your brain and your world turned upside down – for a little different perspective!) It is that time of year that we still draw close to the hearth, drink warm drinks and eat soups and stews and all things that bring comfort to the mind and body. Stay grounded, but begin to venture forth, begin to clear out the heaviness of winter… the cobwebs of our minds and bodies and start that cleansing process.

On Valentine’s Day (or any day in the month of February)..… open your heart, say “I love you” to those you care about. Find ways to ‘treat’ those in your loving circle of friends and family…..with extra special attention, sweet treats and home made Valentines. Show love, gratitude, thankfulness and enjoy chocolate!

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