Spring begins with a cleanse
We have officially welcomed Spring. My classes at the Caldwell YMCA…. started the week with some basic Pilates moves and breathing on the mat, and a Spring Cleanse for 9:15am and 12:noon yoga classes to really kick start the detoxification postures that lead us into “Pitta” (Spring) season in the Ayruveda traditions. Our Silver Sneakers enjoyed learning a country line dance today and we look forward to more low impact circuits the rest of this week. Pilates and Yoga mixed moves on Wednesday at 8:15am, and up against the wall in yoga to experience the ropes; and on Friday, it’s “Pilates Bootcamp” again in Pilates class and rounding everything off with a gentle-restorative yoga class to start the weekend off. Our “Chair Yoga” classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:15am are modifications of what we have done in our traditional yoga classes, with a few more stretches and balance moves. I hope to see you this week, even though it is “Spring Break” for the Caldwell school system, and lots of our members are out working in their yards getting things ready for planting or taking a break from their regular job/work……pick a day and time that works for you and come to the Y and check out a class! Namaste’