Thankfulness and Gratitude

November brings cold, blustery weather, and gathering around the fireplace with warm, nourishing 'comfort foods'. As well as bringing in the holiday season ... enjoying friends... family and social activities...It's also the time we begin to feel more gratitude and thankfulness for our lives, our health, families and community. The yoga classes this month with explore
the steps to feeling more gratitude and thankfulness: making space in our lives and in our hearts, letting go of comparisons, staying detached enough to focus on what really matters and of course, knowing, in the end that everything will be ok... that maybe we use the wisdom gained from times when we are challenged to find gratitude, to learn something from those experiences. We will also explore the feelings of depression that can come with the changes in decreasing light this time of year – as we head toward the longest night and shortest day of the year. All of my classes I teach at the Caldwell YMCA will enjoy movement in opening the body, the heart, the mind; and learning to except how our bodies are changing and to move forward with as much enthusiasm and gratitude that we can muster.